Hawkeaster, Seaton, Devon

Tuesday, 24 March 2015 2445 Views 0 Comments
Hawkeaster, Seaton, Devon

3-5 April, Hawkeaster, Seaton, Devon

Once again Matthew will be joining the mighty Hawkwind for three days of music and madness at what has fast becoming an annual fixture in your typical space rocker’s calendar: Hawkeaster.

Hawkwind will be headlining the festival on Saturday night and Matthew will once again host the unmissable Question Time session on Sunday afternoon.

We’re also on the hunt for Hawkwind’s greatest know-it-all fan as Matthew chairs the first ever Hawkwind Mastermind. Start brushing up your specialist knowledge now to win a top prize: hat was the single Matthew featured on with the band? Who was in the first ever Hawkwind line-up? How does Tim Blake’s theremin work….sorry, I’ve started so you’ll have to finish.

Other bands playing over the weekend include Tarantism, Underground Zero, Electric Cake Salad and, of course, T.O.S.H – Technicians Of the Spaceship Hawkwind – to “wind things down” on Sunday night. More details http://www.hawkwind.com

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